Jurnal Transformative
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Framing Media Terhadap Ulama Di Balik Popularitas Jokowi dan Prabowo
The easy access to online media made the electoral progress of Jokowi and Prabowo in-teresting to be watched. There are many perspectives and facts regarding both candi-dates that elevate the public’s argumentation in the public sphere. However, the easy ac-cess of that online media un-fortunately had created a bias between both candidates’ true modality and the issues behind them. The Islamic value of the Ulama behind both candi-dates are the most interesting issues of them all. Indonesian society began to pay more attention to Ulama’ figure instead of to the modalities both candidates promoted. This writing aims to drive that public partiality about the Ulama trough paying more attention to the electability level by affirming Talal Asad’s thesis about Ulama and Politics.
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Bibliographic Information
2 December 2018 -
3 June 2019 -
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2 September 2018