Jurnal Transformative

Volume 3, Issue 1, July 2018, Pages 111-125

Full Lenght Article

Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access


The low quality of public services in the field of licensing causes the community and businesses reluctant to take care licensing. The low quality of licensing service is demonstrated by the absence of a mechanism or procedure clearly regulating the licensing, long processing time, costs and conditions of licensing. Ponorogo Regency government respond to central government policies that aim to improve and simplify system of licensing services with the establishment of the Integrated Licensing services Office (KPPT) in 2009. This is a manifestation of a serious commitment under the leadership of the Regent of Ponorogo, Muhadi Suyono, to improve continuously the image of public services in order to be better in the future. Ponorogo KPPT continues to make improvements in terms of improved public services, opens to the public comments and suggestions regarding the performance KPPT, and accesses clear information to the applicant to take care of all licensing. The main change resulted with improvement in field of licensing in Ponorogo is the openness of the clear procedures to manage licensing, range time to take care every kinds of licensing respectively, the requirement to be met, the costs and reduce the practice of widespread extortion by officers.


public service
local bureaucracy


Publisher's Note

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Buku dan Jurnal
Muhtar haboddin, Potret Perizinan Usaha Kota Malang, dalam http://igi.fisipol.ugm.acv.id/index.php/id/penyederhanaan-perizinan
Yoga Putra Prameswari, Pelayanan Perizinan Satu Pintu Kabupaten Purbalingga, dalam http://igi.fisipol.ugm.ac.id/index.php/id/penyederhanaan-perizinan
Web Pemerintah Kabupaten Ponorogo, http://ponorogo.go.id
Wawancara dengan Bu Siti Arisah, Kepala Subbag TU
Wawancara dengan Bu Yulia, Staf Subbag TU
Wawancara dengan Mas Dian Staf Sub Bag.Tata Usaha KPPT Kab. Ponorogo Wawancara dengan Mas Wibi bagian Staf Seksi Perizinan I KPPT Kab.Ponorogo
Undang-Undang dan Surat lainnya:
Keputusan Kepala Kantor Pelayanan Perijinan Terpadu Kabupaten Ponorogo tentang Standar Pelayanan Publik Bidang Perijinan

Bibliographic Information

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  • Submitted
    22 November 2018
  • Revised
    9 February 2019
  • Accepted
    Not available
  • Published
    22 March 2017