Jurnal Transformative
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Supervision of DPD RI in The Implementation of Regional Autonomy
In a bicameral system, Regional Representative Council of Indonesia (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah Republik Indonesia/DPD RI) acts as a regional representative institution that fights for regional problems. The authority of DPD RI is to supervise implementation of the law. The supervisory functions of the DPD RI are to monitor and supervise the government and public institutions, including the implementation of laws, regulations and policies. In this study the authors used a qualitative approach. The purpose of this study is to see the extent of supervision carried out by DPD RI on the implementation of regional autonomy carried out by Committee I. The author used strategies, analysis and relevant and important sources related to the supervisory function of the DPD RI on the implementation of regional autonomy. The author found that the authority of supervision and follow-up of the results of DPD RI's supervision on the implementation of regional autonomy is still very limited, there are supervisory problems starting from the relationship between DPD RI and the central government and local governments, human resources and supporting resources are inadequate, and the level of public confidence in DPD RI decreases.
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